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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Qualitative
  • Content
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000


The Internet has become a widely recognised method of technology for doing daily activities. The Internet's rise since the beginning of the new century has been amazing, and it has generated a new sort of commerce: Buying and selling on the internet. Belanger  and Smith  (2018) explianed that  An online trading system is a virtual marketplace where customers can connect and make orders to trade goods and services. They can also purchase and sell specific products.

The trading system establishes a gateway via which clients may connect to the trading server and send and receive messages.The trading server, also known as the trading engine, is in charge of processing incoming orders, storing them in an order book, and running a matching function on the order book. According to Jonsson and Wing  (2019), when the trading server gets a new order, these functions are triggered.The trading system takes orders from customers and responds by sending acknowledgements, ACK's, or negative acknowledgements, NACK's, to convey the order's receipt or rejection to the client.

On the other hand, Chan (2017) postulated that If the match function finds genuine buyers and sellers, the trading engine will send fill messages to the parties participating in the transaction. Normally, this would be a secure communication between the server and the individual clients engaged in the transaction, but this standard just specifies that the fill message contain unique buyer and seller identities (and that the buyer and seller client programmes process only the fill information that is related to their unique identity).Online trading groups frequently contain forums and chartrooms to enhance discussion among members.An online trading community gives users a formalised way to trade, barter, or sell products and services. These groups frequently contain forums and chartrooms to encourage discussion among members.


This project provides people with a structured method for trading, bartering, or selling goods and services. The major modules of the project are:

Registration/Login System

This system allows new users to register so as to join the online community. After the registration, an email confirmation is sent to the email address provided where verification by email is required. The Login identifies and authenticates the user through the credentials provided by the user i.e. it allows registered user to login. After a user is logged in, the user can add any item for trading to the website. After login, the logout system allows the user to logout to prevent unauthorized access to a users account.

Username and password recovery

Forgotten username or password can be recovered through this system. The username or temporary password will be sent to the users email address.

Messaging system

This system is designed to facilitate communication between traders. A user that needs more information about a product can easily send a message to request for more information. Users can also check received and sent messages.

Multi-level User Authorization system

User groups allow you to control how registered users interact with the site. A page on the site can be restricted to one or more groups. It permits simultaneous access by users with different security clearances and prevents users from obtaining access to information for which they lack authorization, this grants different users with different access levels i.e. an anonymous (someone not logged on) user or a logged on user who is not a member of a group a page is restricted to, will be denied access to the page.


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